Friday, February 15, 2008


So I just watched the movie Cloverfield, and I really have to say that the tacky and exploitive allusions to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in atomic bomb explosions make the Godzilla movies entirely inappropriate and tasteless.

Ahem... Which is to say that the hand-wringing over supposed 9-11 references found in many of the reviews of Cloverfield is just more narcissism from Americans who have no sense of the horror that we've unleashed on the rest of the world. How much hand-wringing do we get over using the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for our cheap Sunday morning entertainment? (PIX! PIX! PIX! PIX! PIX!--to situate myself generationally and geographically for those in the exact same demographic.)

Cloverfield is an exploitive and rather forgettable monster movie, with flashy special effects and very little to say about the world we live in. Get over it.

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